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We Marched, Now We RISE, Disrupt, Connect & Resist


After massive worldwide women's marches last weekend that saw people coming together to loudly and boldly demand a future free of violence towards women - activists around the world are heightening their calls and escalating their actions on (and around) 14 February - the One Billion Rising global day of action.

We marched – but that was just the beginning. We must continue to RISE, DISRUPT, CONNECT & RESIST! Let's take this energy and direct it locally towards concrete changes we want to see in our communities and cities. Let's Rise and Disrupt more creatively and politically. Let's Dance more fiercely. Let's use this moment to harness more radical forms of creative and political RESISTANCE.

Let's make this OBR season the biggest and most rebellious we have ever seen!

Let us RISE
against neo-fascism, racist patriarchy, misogyny and sexism.
Rise against rape culture and all those who escalate and normalize it.
Rise against racism, discrimination and inequality.
Rise against neoliberal policies that place profit over people.
Rise against environmental plunder and Rise to protect Indigenous people, land and water.
Rise against homophobia, transphobia, xenophobia, exclusion and hate.
Rise against imperialist wars, occupation, internal and international displacement and militarization.
Rise for food, land and justice.

Rise against fear mongering and division.
Rise against international capitalist and imperialist systems that perpetuate poverty.
Rise against the corporations and the rich making more profit off the backs of people's suffering.
Rise against economic, labor and sexual exploitation.
Rise against human and sex trafficking.
Rise against the violence of poverty, exploitation and marginalization.
Rise for freedom, dignity, equality and respect.

How to Rise?
We need TO DISRUPT with active and radical defiance!

Disrupt in order to shake the present global structure characterized by patriarchy and capitalist greed.
Disrupt to show how strong a creative “people power” force can be.
Disrupt to keep radicalizing our creative resistance.

We need to CONNECT and expand our political consciousness.
Connect by educating ourselves on all issues.
Connect by uniting in all our struggles and fighting for ALL rights.
Connect by hearing and listening and learning.
Connect by deepening our understanding of issues within the context of race and class analysis.
Connect by joining organizations and mass actions.
Connect by organizing our communities.

HOLD YOUR GOVERNMENTS and other exploitative patriarchal institutions ACCOUNTABLE.
Resist with Rage.
Resist with fierce hope.

Resist with unwavering insistence on a future where freedom, equality and dignity is possible.
Resist with collective defiance.
Resist all together. With and For each other.

Rise In Solidarity!
Rise For Revolution!

LEARN about the 2017 campaign >
FIND/PLAN a RISING in your community >

READ the blogs about the March

The Women's March Heralds a Renaissance of Resistance, Eve's Latest Piece in The Guardian

"We are marching to sow more seeds and invite more women into that renaissance and to take the energy of this march and use it to set fires of resistance everywhere.

We are marching today so the next generation of girls don't wake up with poisonous nightmares, but with radiant dreams."

READ The Women's March Heralds a Renaissance of Resistance by Eve Ensler >