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Overview of V-Day 2002 Campaigns


Each year, V-Day supports new campaigns, initiatives and special projects to help in the fight to stop all violence against women and girls worldwide.

In 2002, V-Day is supporting the following programs:

  • the V-Day Worldwide Campaign
  • the V-Day College Campaign
  • the V-Day Youth Monologues Pilot Program
  • Spotlight on Afghan Women Campaign: While the problem of violence against women is a serious one all over the world, V-Day believes that the situation for women in Afghanistan is at a critical point and is, therefore, earmarking 2002 funds to help the women there.
  • the V-Day International V-Day Stop Rape Contest: This Contest is an initiative designed to produce innovative and effective strategies to stop rape worldwide.
  • the Speak Up with V-Day & Lifetime Initiative: This initiative brings the problem of violence against women in the United States to the attention of our Congressional representatives and encourages them to take action.
  • the Rape Free Zone Campaign: This Campaign encourages people all over the world to mark their communities as "Rape-Free Zones."
  • And numerous other events related to V-Day 2002, including: the HBO release of the film version of "The Vagina Monologues" on February 14, 2002, and a gala event at the Hammerstein Ballroom in Manhattan on February 16, 2002.

    While continuing its work on these ongoing campaigns, V-Day is always ready to respond to the unexpected needs and opportunities of the day with creative action. Our work to help organize the Afghan Women's Summit for Democracy is one such action, taken to support our sisters around the world.