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Happy Father's Day from V-Day



This Father's Day, V-Day celebrates the men who work throughout the world to end violence against women and girls. Every day, extraordinary men stand united with all Vagina Warriors by our common passion to end the violence that afflicts one in every three women.

Without their work, without their passion and commitment to end the violence, V-Day's mission would not be possible. So this Father's day we honor these men, as we venture forward into the next decade where together with our fathers, sons, brothers, husbands and friends we will change the story of women.

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V-Men Victories of 2008

  • Dr. Denis Mukwege and The City of Joy
    Dr. Denis Mukwege, the Director and Founder of the ground-breaking Panzi General Referral Hospital in Bukavu, South Kivu Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) , the only center for victims of sexual violence in eastern Congo, launched V-Day's 2009 Spotlight Campaign 'Stop Raping Our Greatest Resource: Power To The Women and Girls of the DRC" in New Orleans on April 12. Dr. Mukwege is overseeing the work being done on the ground to create City of Joy, a refuge for healed women, survivors of rape and torture who have been left without family and community in war-torn DRC.
  • Walk For Womens Lives
    With a pair of sneakers that said "Keep Going," a walking stick and a cell phone, Randolph College Resident Director Paul Clay-Rooks walked 220 miles in 8 days, from Lynchburg Virginia to Washington D.C. to raise funds and awareness for the women of the Democratic Republic of Congo and V-Day's "Stop Raping Our Greatest Resource" campaign. The long walk raised thousands of dollars for the City of Joy, currently being built in Bukavu, DRC.
  • V-Men Column
    Over the last few months, acclaimed writer Mark Matousek has been working with prominent men to create the "V-Men Column," a series of stories and writings on violence against women and girls from the perspective of fathers, brother and sons. From writers Jimmie Briggs and Rob Okun to NFL player Bart Scott, these powerful essays bring forth the male voices of this worldwide movement with humor, grace, passion and sincerity.
    On Friday, April 11, 2008 at the Louisiana Superdome, a group of extraordinary V-Men convened for a panel at V-Day's SUPERLOVE to discuss the work of feminist men, and what it means to be a V-Man. The panel featured anti-violence activist Quentin Walcott; Stephen Glaude of Men Can Stop Rape; Bart Scott of the Baltimore Ravens; Devon Carbado UCLA Professor of Law; New Orleans based activist Wayne Barnes and V-Day Director of Operations Tony Montenieri. The event was moderated by Mark Matousek.
  • College and Community Campaign V-Men of 2008
    In 2008 hundreds of V-Men worked on College and Community Campaign V-Day benefit productions of The Vagina Monologues, A Memory A Monologue A Rant and A Prayer and screenings of V-Day's documentary Until The Violence Stops. V-Day wants to send a special thank you and note of recognition to ALL of the V-Men who worked tirelessly on college campuses and in communities all over the world to make V-Season 2008 the most successful V-Season to date! Your commitment to ending violence against women and girls in your community and internationally raised over $6 million for groups working to end the violence and brought the attention to millions of women and men all over the world. You are critical to ending the violence and we thank you and honor you and look forward to working with you all again in 2009!


Following the success of V-Day's ten year anniversary events at the Louisiana Superdome and New Orleans Arena in April of this year, Eve Ensler traveled to Paris to receive the prestigious "Medaille de Vermeil de la Ville de Paris" by Deputy Mayor of Paris, Anne Hidalgo, Deputy Mayor in Charge of Equality Between Men and Women, Fatima Lalem and Deputy Mayor in Charge of Culture, Christophe Girard.

The prestigious ceremony was followed by a sold out V-Day France benefit production of The Vagina Monologues at Théâtre Michel in Paris. Starring world renowned female writers and actresses and special guest Valérie Letard, Minister for Solidarity of Paris, the show was directed by Stéphanie Bataille who recently appeared in V TO THE TENTH, at the New Orleans Arena and starred Isabelle Aubret, Nicole Avril, Bataille, Victoria Bedos, Emmanuelle Boidron, Geneviève Brisac, Nicole Calfan, Florence Cestac, Noëlle Châtelet, Eva Darlan, Mélanie Decourt, Sonia Dubois, Laurence Faron, Séverine Ferrer, Pierrette Fleutiaux, Emilie Frèche, Gabou, Leïla Ghandi, Maïmouna Gueye ,Anne-Sophie Guittard, Natacha Henry, Nancy Huston, Marie-Christine Imbault, Colette Kerber, Vénus Khoury-Gata, Camille Laurens, Françoise Nyssen, Christine Orban, Isabelle Rattier, Moïra Sauvage, Agnès Vincent-Deray and Maryse Wolinski.

As with the over 4000 V-Day benefit productions that have taken place in 2008, all proceeds from the play will be donated to a local beneficiary working to end violence against women and girls. This production benefited ALC Nice, a non-profit organization founded in 1913 to assist survivors of human trafficking.

Following this extraordinary event, Eve along with V-Day France representatives Marie Cécie Renauld and Stéphanie Bataille, met with V-Day activist Fadela Amara, Secretary of State for urban planning to the Ministry in Paris. Fadela, the former President of "Ni Putes Ni Soumises" ("Neither Whores Nor Submissives") was part of a V-Day France 2003.


Change the story of women this Father's Day and help V-Day celebrate its 10th anniversary year by giving your father a specially designed V-Card.

Your V-Gift will be put to work to end violence against women and girls, addressing the most critical issues facing women around the world.

A V-Card is the perfect gift. V-Cards arrive in time AND you will know that your gift is needed and will be well-used.

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V-Day distributes funds to grassroots, national and international organizations and programs that work to stop violence against women and girls around the world. 94 cents of every dollar you give goes straight to ending violence against women and girls. In over 120 countries and all fifty United States, V-Day campaigns and events raise funds and awareness. In (2001), V-Day was named one of Worth Magazine's "100 Best Charities" and in (2006) was named one of Marie Claire's "Top Ten Charities."

To date, the V-Day movement has raised over $60 million and educated millions about the issues of violence against women and girls. Among our many inspiring projects and initiatives, V-Day has crafted international educational, media and PSA campaigns; launched the Karama program in the Middle East; reopened shelters; and funded over 5000 community-based anti-violence programs and safe houses in Democratic Republic of Congo, Haiti, Kenya, South Dakota, Egypt and Iraq.

Violence against women affects one in three women in the US and the world, your tax deductible donation of $25, $50, $100, $500, or more will help V-Day end violence against women!

Click here to give this gift!

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