20 Feb Document & Share Your Risings; Tell Us the Story of Your Rising
(L) Hamburg, Germany. @one_billion_rising_hamburg
(R) Bihar, India. @Sahyogi Ngo
Across the globe, One Billion Rising activists are RAISING THE VIBRATION through music, chanting, dance, drumming, original monologues, and more, staging actions and events that reflect the intersecting challenges, needs and desires of all women and girls and their communities.
Risings are taking place during the month of February and leading up to 8 March, #InternationalWomensDay. The Risings are grassroots and global, led by youth, survivors, artists, and activists, who determine how and why they rise, with and for their communities.
The One Billion Rising movement is vast and textured, and each year it grows, deepening a grassroots commitment to end all forms of violence – against women and girls and our planet.
NEW: Tell Us The Story Of Your Rising – Raise the Vibration Blog Series
Through One Billion Rising, you shook the earth through the massive RISINGS in which over ONE BILLION people danced to end the epidemic of violence, we have shifted consciousness and broken the deadly silence. And every day, you stage art in your community for social change, you RISE, you are in the streets rising against racist patriarchy. You have made ending sexual violence a front-page issue, never to be silenced again.
Beginning today, we are inviting OBR activists worldwide to write blogs about their events and submit them for publishing on onebillionrising.org, amplifying the voices of the movement.
Some prompts to get your started, keep in mind as you write your piece –
- What inspired you to Rise and get involved?
- What issues did your Rising spotlight? How?
- What are critical issues affecting women and girls in your community?
- How did you Raise the Vibration?
- Did the theme infuse new energy, raise the stakes artistically and politically?
- What was the impact on the community, the organizers, your fellow activists?
- Where did you rise, why did you pick that location?
Please keep your piece to under 1000 words. Submit your piece HERE. Thank you, we cannot wait to read your stories!
One Billion Rising Zimbabwe
Over the past years, on or around 14 February, thousands of Risings took place around the world, in hundreds of cities, in virtually every country on earth. We have made history. In 2020, we RISE and RAISE THE VIBRATION and we want the world to witness every sight and sound of this extraordinary global action. HERE’S HOW!
Share everything you do for One Billion Rising. Share your photos, video and audio updates with the global audience!
For your RISING event(s), please share your photos, video and audio updates with the global audience so they can experience it as it happens – or as close to it! Before and during the events, utilize social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat.
Tell the story of what’s happening using these channels. Be sure to tag us and use the official hashtags #1BillionRising #RaiseTheVibration #RiseInSolidarity and #RiseResistUnite to include your posts on our digital hub at onebillionrising.org and across our social channels for the world to see. The more we share, we spread the word and trend on social media platforms around the world, reaching even more people.
After your event, you can upload high quality images and videos to us here.
Tag us or post directly to our accounts:
Facebook/vday Twitter: @vday Instagram: @one_billion_rising, @vdayorg
NOTE: If you want to share your posts with the global audience, please be sure to make your Facebook and Instagram posts public.
For tips, profile and background images and more, visit our page on documenting your risings.