Animated short ‘Doing Time: A Woman’s View’ was released on 10 April 2023, featuring writings by incarcerated & formerly incarcerated women from the Right/Write to Heal Initiative, a joint project of the Columbia Center for Justice and V-Day’s Beyond Incarceration Project, in collaboration with Rehabilitation Through the Arts (RTA) and Human Pictures.
Writings by the Right/Write to Heal Initiative’s Jonel Beauvais, Judy Clark, Leah Faria, Selina Fulford, Latisha Morris, Harmony, Betsy Ramos, Edna Sams, V-Day’s Beyond Incarceration Project Manager Roslyn Smith, and Cheryl Wilkins are included in the short film.
Through Right/Write to Heal, women share how they cope with the consequences of incarceration on themselves, their families and communities, with the goal of changing how people understand the impact of criminalization on women. Writing and storytelling are therapeutic interventions for people who have experienced loss and trauma, and can lead to healing, redemption, and intimacy when shared collectively and with others who have been impacted. The goal is to humanize the unique individual and collective experiences of women, particularly women of color, who from early in their lives face racism, violence, and structural barriers that lead to punishment and imprisonment.
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