12 Feb Bangladesh Rising 2021
One Billion Rising Bangladesh 2021 will be arranging its second session on 6 pm, 14th February. Matching with OBR’s theme for this year “Rising Gardens”, we will be holding our second session with two of the most talented artists of Bangladesh – Shamim Azad and Chandana Mojumdar.
The session will start with song performances of National Award winning folk singer, Chandana Mojumdar to remind us about women’s and land rights through music produced during the peasant movement. The session will continue with our main London-based star Shamim Azad who will be presenting a compelling story written based on the OBR theme, and will explain her relation with nature and womanhood.
Let’s rise together to fight against patriarchy, racism and capitalism. Let’s explore our enduring connection to life and earth, and resist against the destruction of sacred nature and womanhood. Let’s cultivate plant life to sustain ourselves and our community. Let’s BUILD RISING GARDENS and RISE WITH WOMEN
Join us on 6 pm, 14th February 2021 at: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87149957649?pwd=bGxzTzNiSk45SWZZeUJhSWpyK2xSUT09
To stay updated, check our page: https://www.facebook.com/OneBillionRisingBangladesh
#OneBillionRising #OneBillionRising2021 #OneBillionRisingBangladesh2021 #RisingGardens #FightAgainstPatriarchy #FightAgainstRacism #FightAgainstCapitalism #Nature #Earth #Womanhood #Life #Sustainability #LandRights