11 Feb Global Events Taking Place in Over 70 Countries & Growing
(Reposted from onebillionrising.org)
One Billion Rising activists are back at it again in the ninth year of the campaign with over 70 countries rising, hundreds of creative resistance events are taking place on the ground and online to end gender based violence and climate destruction.
It’s time to RISE for the Bodies of All Women, Girls & the Earth!
Created by a community of more than 45 One Billion Rising global coordinators, this year’s campaign urges communities worldwide to utilize art and activism, creative resistance events and gatherings, both online and offline, to demand an end to violence against women, girls and the planet, and to shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face.
One Billion Rising events are taking place now and will continue through 22 April, Earth Day. Creative resistance events will take various forms from flash mobs to documentary films, candlelight vigils to trainings with men, night walks to pride marches and more.
“I think of all the women and girls I’ve met everywhere in this world who saw their body as a site for danger, a carrier of shame, a poisoned and charred landscape. Something to hide, to fix, to flatten, to hurt. This year we rise in One Billion Rising for the bodies of all women and the earth that they may move in the motion of light, that they may stand without apology or fear in their power and grace, that they may soar in freedom and release the energy the world so desperately needs.”
– V (formerly Eve Ensler), playwright and Founder of One Billion Rising and V-Day
“This past year has seen global lockdowns, government neglect, health crises, proliferation of authoritarian regimes, endemic exploitation of labor, escalating corporate greed, worsening poverty, racism and exclusion, the grave ongoing destruction and pillaging of the environment for capital, as well as the deterioration of the climate. At the core of all of this is the injurious hold of patriarchy and misogyny ––on women’s rights and freedom. We have seen more rapes, more domestic violence, more abuse, more exploitation, more trafficking, more hunger and death, more political persecution, more restrictions on freedom and mobility, more forced migration, more femicide, more loss of reproductive rights, and more and more violence. The violence of discrimination, of exclusion, of poverty, of inequality, of occupation, of exploitation, of suppression, of displacement, of oppression, of control has been severe and unrelenting. In this 2022 campaign, we call on the world to hold Artistic Risings for the bodies of all women and for the ‘ultimate body’, our earth, to reclaim, express, defy, disrupt, unite, radicalize, awaken, revolutionize, and to create joy, hope and transformation.”
– Monique Wilson, One Billion Rising Global Coordinator
Special Issue of The Guardian, Living in a Woman’s Body, curated by V in solidarity with One Billion Rising 2022: Rise for the Bodies of All Women and the Earth.
The Guardian has just released a special issue on Women’s Bodies and the Body of the Earth, curated by V. The special issue is made up of a series of pieces, poems, essays, and monologues by Nazia, Arifa Akbar, Joanne Cacciatore, Judith Clark, Chanel DaSilva, Juno Dawson, Jessica Fostekew, Shabnam Hashmi, Saru Jayaraman, Lebo Mashile, Agnes Pareyio, Laura Pearson, Frances Ryan, Emma Thompson, Terry Tempest Williams, Monique Wilson, and V. It is out in print and the pieces will be shared online over the next week.
A Global Zoom Rising, Rejoice & Rise 2022, Will Take Place 14 February
Rejoice & RISE at our #BodyLoveUprising hosted by V & Middlechurch’s Jacqui Lewis.
Join artists, thinkers, activists online on Monday, 14 February, as we explore what it means to truly love our bodies, honor and respect them and the Earth in the midst of a global pandemic. Join us as we gather together and usher in the 2022 #1BillionRising season. To register/attend Rejoice & Rise 2022: A Body Love Uprising, visit: onebillionrising.org/rejoicerise2022
Share Your One Billion Rising Footage and Photos With Us!
Please heavily document your event. In 2022, we RISE, CREATE, RECLAIM and we want the world to witness every sight and sound of this extraordinary global action. HERE’S HOW! Document and share everything you do for One Billion Rising: Rise for the Bodies of All Women, Girls & the Earth. Share your photos, video and audio updates with the global audience – Check out this webpage with info and tips.
Ready to RISE? Visit onebillionrising.org
Read about the 2022 theme: RISE for the Bodies of all Women, Girls & the Earth
Check out One Billion Rising blog for inspiration from global coordinators around the world
MEET the OBR Global Coordinators
FOLLOW OBR on Instagram
One Billion Rising, which originally launched on Valentine’s Day 2013, began as a call to action based on the staggering statistic that 1 in 3 women on the planet will be beaten or raped during her lifetime, equaling more than one billion women and girls based on the current global population.