03 Apr Across 92 countries, Activists RISE for Freedom & Create the New Culture for ONE BILLION RISING 2023 (Photo Essay)
Published in Women’s ENews (2 April 2023)
From February – 22 April (Earth Day), survivors, artists and activists in 88 countries across the globe are rising For Freedom & to Create the New Culture to address the devastating consequences of the ongoing vicious systems of patriarchy, imperialism, capitalism and racism in the world today and the destructive battle for power fought over women’s bodies and the body of the earth.They are RISING to end violence against women and girls, and calling for a radical shift in consciousness to end the global epidemic of abuse that one in three women face worldwide.
Every February, we rise — in hundreds of countries across the world — to show our local communities and the world what one billion looks like and shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face. We rise through dance to express joy and community and and celebrate the fact that we have not been defeated by this violence. We rise to show we are determined to create a new kind of consciousness — one where violence will be resisted until it is unthinkable.
One Billion Rising 2023 is a year of INSPIRATION and ASPIRATION. A year of storytelling, building communities, strengthening solidarity, sharing dreams, planting trees, creating art, honoring women and the earth, and of dancing. It is the year we will continue to ENVISION and CREATE new ways of being, seeing, living, loving and connecting. Of raising consciousness and deepening understanding. So that our freedom, our future, is rooted in truth, love, community, earth and body.
Created by a community of 47 One Billion Rising coordinators located across the globe, this year’s campaign will celebrate 10 years of OBR and 25 years of V-Day, urging communities worldwide to utilize art and activism, creative resistance events and gatherings, both online and offline, to demand an end to violence against women, girls and the planet and to shine a light on the rampant impunity and injustice that survivors most often face.
This is what it looks like:
Vienna, Austria
One Billion Rising Austria activists Rose with Danceability for an All-Ability “Break The Chain” at Albert Schweitzer Haus. (Photo credit: @saschaosaka)
Quezon City, Philippines
“Women from the One Billion Rising movement, Gabriela, and the Quezon City local government performed at the Liwasang Aurora at the Quezon Memorial Circle grounds on Saturday, February 11, 2023, to celebrate the 10th year of the global movement to end violence against women (cisgender and transgender), gender diverse people, girls, and the planet. The Philippines event is one of the thousands of global events taking place in over 90 countries around the world this February, and one of over 130 Rising events taking place across the Philippines.” – @jirecarreon (Photo credit: @pinoyweekly)
Manila, Philippines
Over 5,000 students from the St. Scholastica’s College in Manila rose and danced to bring awareness to gender-based violence, inequality, racism, poverty, and social injustice. (Photo credit: Neil Ambion/ABS-CBN News)
Szczecinek, Poland
(Photo credit: @iszczecinek)
Wroclaw, Poland
“On 14 February the whole world [danced] to draw attention to the problem of violence against women and girls. We rule our body. Dancing together releases energy. On this day, let’s show our hearts to those who need our support, let’s dance together and pay attention to the problem of sexual and physical violence against women.” – @stowarzyszenie_baba
(Photo credit: @krzysztofza)
Leutkirch im Allgäu, Germany
(Photo credit: @stadt.leutkirch)
Rostock, Germany
(Photo credit: @humanfotografie)
Berlin, Germany
“With a lot of positive energy, happy music and dance actions, the One Billion Rising protest has been established as a symbol of women’s solidarity worldwide, in order to draw the greatest attention to difficult issues. OBR is called: annually on February 14. with one billion people worldwide to raise against violence against girls and women. Through and through dance, together we free ourselves from the victim role and make a public sign against violence against girls and women.” – @onebillioinrising_berlin (Photo credit: Jürgen Engler)
154 towns and cities hold simultaneous risings all on the same day – February 14, 2023 – all across the country. (Art credit: One Billion Rising Germany)
Himachal Pradesh, India
“One Billion Rising India launched One Billion Rising 2023 with Moot Court in Himachal Pradesh.The Jagori Rural Charitable Trust organized a moot court on 25 November, the International Day of the Elimination of Violence Against Women. It aimed to raise awareness on the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act. […] Dance performances were given by children of Euro kids school.” – (Photo and caption credit: Jagori Grameen)
Bukavu, Democratic Republic of Congo
Rising at City of Joy! (Photo credit: City of Joy)
One Billion Eswatini hosted an artistic convention under the theme: ‘Rising For Freedom of Women Eswatini’. They celebrated ten women who have immensely contributed in the women’s movement and fight for women’s rights over ten years and more, receiving generous donations from various organizations in support of their Rising. (Photo credit: Colani Hlatjwako, One Billion Rising Africa Coordinator)
Byron Bay, Australia
(Photo credit: Niche Pictures – Lyn McCarthy)
Byron Bay, Australia
One Billion Rising Australia met for a morning of empowerment, defiance, and solidarity in Byron Bay, celebrating 25 years of V-Day. (Photo credit: @echojeffd)
Rome, Italy
In Rome, Italy, One Billion Rising activists and dancers held a flash mob and welcomed an Iranian dancer to perform on the Spanish steps on Piazza di Spagna. (Photo credit: @tittifabi)
“And that’s a wrap family! Solidarity Farm Yaad #Jamaica wants to thank you for you joining us in Rising for and with community. We are honored to be raising our voices with you and all the love spread across the waters. Rising with a billion other folks really shifted us. We are moved by the support and blessed by the offerings shared. Thank you for joining the Rising. We look forward to sharing space with you again and hopefully have all the love physically on the land. To the ancestors that held us, you are felt and we are elated to be dreaming up your deepest desires for us. One for a billion & a billion for one.” – Afia Walking Tree (Photo credit: @solidarityfarms_ja)
Homestead, FL, USA
“Our member organization, ‘The Farmworker Association of Florida,’ participating in the global One Billion Rising campaign to end all violence against women and girls!” – @campesinasunite (Photo credit: @fwafhometead)
Vienna, Austria
Activists gathered in the historic chamber of parliament to dance Break the Chain in a defiant Rising to bring awareness to gender-based violence. (Photo credit: JG Morris)
Dhaka, Bangladesh
Vibrant images from a Rising in Bangladesh on 14 February, celebrating ten years of One Billion Rising. (Photo credit: Zahidul Islam Sazib)
More than 500 community members, students and teachers from Jakar Higher Secondary School Rose for Freedom and for the equitable and dignified rights of women and girls. (Photo credit: @renew_bhutan)
(Photo credit: HERA Križevci)
Zagreb, Croatia
(Photo credit: Dejan Barić)
Zagreb, Croatia
One Billion Rising Croatia produced two events in Zagreb: one in Flowr Squer and one at Zagrebaki Plesni Centar, a dance center in Zagreb. There were panel discussions, flash mobs, and a performance of The Vagina Monologues. (Photo credit: Rada Boric (One Billion Rising The Balkans Coordinator), Marina Pavković, Mateja Medlobi, Alexandra Madsen, Sanja Cesar, Gordana Orsag Pasanec)
“Beautiful day where all of Mexico with One Billion Rising/V-Day Mexico for V25. We had several events all over the country to celebrate 10 years of One BillionRising as well as a fabulous theater performance of The Vagina Monologues as part of the global celebration of 25 years of V-Day. This is V25 Mexico. Soon more photos where an entire country dances for freedom and to create a new culture where gender violence does not exist.” – Andrés Naime, One Billion Rising Mexico Coordinator
Hong Kong, China
On the tenth anniversary of One Billion Rising, Hong Kong Rose for Freedom with special attention on the rejection of oppression and slavery (Photo credit: One Billion Rising Revolution – Hong Kong FB)
Patna, India
(Photo credit: Sahyogi)
Pune, India
(Photo credit: @abhivyakti.pune)
Nagaland, India
45 Risings took place in India– ahead of what is expected to total 100 or more Risings by March 8th! (Photo credit: @nen_northeastnetwork)
Tokyo, Japan
“We Rose with the world for women’s freedom.” (Photo credit: One Billion Rising Japan)
“We will RISE to show our determination to create a new kind of consciousness using young girls, theatre groups, and discussions where we highlight the abundance of freedom in our society and the many kinds of freedom that have become bondage, freedom to dress within our choices, freedom to do business and to practice our belief, to embrace our bodies and sexuality, to vote, to lead, to have access to healthcare, to clean water, from pollution.” – One Billion Rising Kenya (Photo credit: One Billion Rising Kenya & Her Voice)
Jawalakhel, Nepal
“It’s inspiring to see so many people come together to support this cause and fight for equal rights for all. Let’s keep the conversation going and work towards creating a more inclusive and accepting world. We also held a cycle rally which was inaugurated by the chair of the Women’s Division at Lalitpur Metropolitan, Maheshwori Bista. And we felt inspired after watching the powerful play on the right to education for people with disabilities, performed by the talented representatives of Nepal Disabled Women’s Association.” – (Photo and caption credit: @sangatnepal)
Leiden, Netherlands
One Billion Rising Netherlands Rose for freedom on the Beestenmarkt Square in Leiden with a flash mob, a workshop led by #MeToo coach Legien, and some delicious Greek pies! (Photo credit: @thebridge2hope)
Dalkeith, Scotland
Women’s Aid East and Midlothian (WAEML)– a charity and company that provides support, information, advocacy and temporary accommodation to all women (including transwomen), children and young people who have been subjected to domestic abuse– hosted a One Billion Rising protest in Dalkeith, Scotland. (Photo credit: @womensaideml)
Nis, Serbia
“Activists of the Center for Girls and members of two dance clubs performed a dance to the song ‘Break The Chain’ in Obrenovićeva Street in the center of Nis as part of the global campaign One Billion Rising. Together with people from all around the world, they sent a message that violence against girls and women must stop. This year marks the 10th anniversary of this action and the 25th anniversary of V-Day” – Centar Za Devojke, Serbia (Photo credit: @tanja_samoodbran)
Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
Activists in Batticaloa walked the streets handing out flowers and wished each passerby a year free from any form of violence. (Photo credit: One Billion Rising Sri Lanka)
Concord, CA, USA
“Our Carondelet students, led by Katherine Hutches, came together to Break the Chain! Every year our cougars dance to end our RISE Week (Respect, Inclusion, Solidarity, and Empowerment). During the week they learned how to forge positive relationships and ways to help end gender-based violence. Way to Rise up ladies!” – (Photo and caption credit: @carondelet_hs)
“Earlier this month The Garden of Hope Foundation hosted our 2023 Runaway for Freedom! We asked people to dress up for exercise and walk up the red carpet to the stage. Ending violence against women and girls requires all of us to participate, and we Rise together to Create the New Culture!”- (Photo and caption credit: The Garden of Hope Foundation)
“Haiti’s midwives and FAHM stand strong & united in our stance to end gender-based violence. Together we provide education & outreach (to youth, adults and health care providers) as well as trauma informed health care to survivors. Together, let’s RISE FOR FREEDOM and to CREATE THE NEW CULTURE!!” – (Photo and caption credit: @forhaitianmidwives)
“PRIDE Pop-Up in partnership with Y-Fem The Young Feminists Movement Namibia hosted their first pop-up for 2023. The live expo and music festival celebrated the One Billion Rising campaign against violence. Queers from across the city came together to take-up space and celebrate our existence in a born-free Namibia! Well done to the Pride Pop-Up team. Together, we can build an Equal Namibia for us all. Love Wins Na” – (Photo and caption credit: Namibia Equal Rights Movement)
“Africa Rising! One Billion Rising Malawi 2023. Congratulations One Billion Rising Malawi Coordinator Alice Kachere for coordinating the Rising.” – Colani Hlatjwako, One Billion Rising Africa Coordinator
Mali Rose for Financial and Economic Freedom in 2023! (Photo credit: Colani Hlatjwako, One Billion Rising Africa Coordinator)
South Africa
“Huge thank you to V-Day for supporting our campaign, for making this event possible and believing with us that one day South African womxn, the LGTBqIA community and girls will be free from gender-based violence, rape and abuse.” – Lucinda Evans, One Billion Rising South Africa Coordinator (Photo credit: Lucinda Evans)
“Our Rising over the week at Big Ada Community Center. It was amazing with Dr. Jonathan Odame from the University of Ghana School of Psychology, who educated the women in attendance on mental health issues. Inspector Marcus Addai, from Dovvsu, educated them on abuse and violence against women and children. Ebenezer Academy School was so happy and really appreciated us coming all the way from Accra to educate their children on all forms of abuse against children. They were taught what abuse is and what to do in case they find themselves in it. Dr Odame also took them through stress relief exercises. We were blessed.” – IRISE Ghana (Photo credit: IRISE Ghana)
“Africa Rising! Gabon Youth Rising. Congratulations One Billion Rising Gabon Coordinator Rita Aboghe and team. ” – Colani Hlatjwako, One Billion Rising Africa Coordinator (Photo credit: Rita Aboghe)
Kwara State, Nigeria
“The World Economic Forum predicts the gender gap won’t close entirely until 2186. This is too long to wait. The message to create a new culture of freedom needs to reach everyone. We are intentional about leaving no one behind. We traveled five hours by road from Lagos to Kwara State at this period when Nigerians are suffering from hardships enforced on society through the new monetary policy. We understand that we need to be careful traveling from one city to another for security reasons, and because of the upcoming presidential election. We took our message to Kwara State where we were hosted by good people from surrounding villages. More than 600 women, children and men converged to listen to our message, to dance and celebrate a culture of artistic resistance, beauty, peace and unity. Thank you so much JayBird Bryant and Aminah Bryant for providing clothings and shoes for the children.” – Omodele Ibitoye, One Billion Rising Nigeria Coordinator
One Billion Rising Indonesia activists Rose for Food, Land and Climate Justice. (Photo credit: FB- Seruni)
One Billion Rising Cambodia Rose for Freedom, focusing on the specific theme: “Stand up for the liberation of girls and women of all diversity.” OBR Cambodia Youth group organized a 100 billion votes campaign to celebrate the tenth anniversary.
(Photo credit: FB – One Billion Rising Cambodia)
Children of IDP (Internally Displaced People) Rising. (Photo credit: FB- Naw Eunice)
One Billion Rising Singapore Rose with an original play exploring violence against women issues – inspired by “The Vagina Monologues”. The Rising was led by the newly formed Youth Wing of OBR Singapore. (Photo credit: Sangeeta Nambiar)
“Commemorating 25 years of V-Day and ten years of One Billion Rising. Together with the students of primary level. The school center managers were very satisfied with the message through dance. Join yourself. Thank you Vicky Flores for your supply of energy and love in these 10 years of directing the dances.” – (Photo and caption credit: FB- Marsha Pamela López Calderón)