Women of the world and our allies stand with the women – and all vulnerable groups – of Afghanistan against imperialism, militarism, fundamentalism, and fascism. None of us are free until the women of Afghanistan are free.
We believe the women of Afghanistan have the right to education, to travel, to freedom of movement, to jobs, to security, just having freedom to be able to breathe and be.
We cannot underestimate the power of our solidarity at this moment.
Rage, Roar & RISE: Women of the world have our eyes on Afghanistan.
In the Streets on Saturday, 25 September –
Women Of The World And All Our Allies Rise, Roar And Rage For The Women In Afghanistan.
A Global Solidarity Action In Your City, Town, School. Everywhere. RISE in the streets, stage creative political protests and artistic risings. Invite everyone, reach out to activists, students, artists, social justice groups, and more.
Activists will take to the streets in New York and Los Angeles on 25 September
Join Us
Visit onebillionrising.org/riseLA and onebillionrising.org/riseNewYork for more information & to RSVP
Access the social media toolkit»
Wear masks. Social distance. All events outside.
We follow the lead of Afghan women on the ground. We urgently call upon governments, the UN Security Council, and regional entities to:
We call upon the women of the world, and our allies, to:
Drafted in consultation with Afghan women on the ground, One Billion Rising/V-Day, and Women’s Global Solidarity with Women of Afghanistan.
Access the social media toolkit here and spread the word on social media.
Use the hashtags: #RiseForAndWithWomenOfAfghanistan #StandWithWomenofAfghanistan
RISE in the streets on 25 September. Plan an action in your community. Wear masks. Social distance. All events outside. RISE in the streets, stage creative political protests and artistic risings (safely). Invite everyone, reach out to activists, students, artists, social justice groups, and more.
In New York City? JOIN US for a rally and action with Afghan activists, women’s rights leaders, Broadway stars and more will take place at Dag Hammarskjold Plaza, in sight and sound of the United Nations as the UN General Assembly meets. (Visit onebillionrising.org/risenewyork for INFO)
In Los Angeles? JOIN US as Afghan youth and activists will meet on the Sunset Strip and march to West Hollywood Park (Visit onebillionrising.org/riseLA for INFO)
SIGN up for information about 25 September events»
PLAN or FIND an event in your city/town/school»
READ about the 1 September Global Day of Online Solidarity»
Worldwide Actions 9/25 Media Alert»
NYC 9/25 Media Alert»
LA 9/25 Media Alert»
SIGNEES INCLUDE (List in Formation):
A Coletiva, Portugal
Abra Migrant Workers Welfare Association, HK
Activism Caucus, Association for Women in Psychology
ADEW, Egypt
Afghan Innovation Fund
African American Policy Forum
African Women’s Millenium Initiative (AWOMI) Sénégal
Alliance des Femmes pour la Démocratie, France
Alliance pour la Migration , le Leadership et le Développement (AMLD), Senegal
Alianza Nacional de Campesinas, United States
AMIHAN National Federation of Peasant Women, Philippines
All India Progressive Women’s Association (AIPWA)
Aoisora OBR, Japan
Armaan, Uganda
ArtsforWomen Indonesia
ASA (Associazione per La Sovranita’ Alimentara), Italy
Ashoka Arab World
Asia Pacific Mission For Migrants, HK
Asian Migrants Coordinating Body ( AMCB- HKCTU), HK
Asociación Akshy
Asociacion de Municipios de Mexico AMMAC, Mexico
Association de Femmes pour le Développement de Diourbel (AFDD) Sénégal
Association des albinos du Sénégal
Association des Femmes de l’Afrique de l’Ouest (AFAO), Senegal
Association des handicapés du Sénégal
Association des Juristes Sénégalaises (AJS)
Association for Promotion of Sustainable Development, India
Association mères et filles, Mali
Association of Concerned Filipinos, HK
Association of Environmental Justice in Israel (AEJI)
Association of Indonesian Migrant Workers in Hong Kong (ATKI-HK), HK
Association pour la Promotion de la Femme Sénégalaise (APROFES)
Association Rurale de Lutte contre le Sida pour le Développement Économique et Social (ARLS/DES) Sénégal
Associazione Nondasola, Italy
Associazione Tessere Culture, Italy
ATTAC Kansai, Japan
Autism Eswatini
Auburn Senior Fellows Cohort
Autism Eswatini
Back Home Org, Mexico
Bangladesh Nari Progati Sangha (BNPS), Bangladesh
Banka BioLoo Limited, India
BAYAN Hong Kong and Macau, HK and Macau
Beaten but not Broken, Eswatini
BEmpower Women
Better Future, Roma Women Croatia
Boma Global, United States
Breakthrough, United States
California National Organization for Women, United States
Center for Disability Rights, United States
Center for Girls, Niš, Serbia
Center For Girls, Serbia
Center for Women’s Resources, Philippines
Center of Modern Skills, Serbia
Central Phoenix Inez Casiano chapter of the National Organization for Women, United States
CESI – Center For Education, Cancelling and Research, Zagreb, Croatia
Centro antiviolenza Roberta Lanzino, Italy
Centro di Women’s Studies “Milly Villa” – Università della Calabria, Italy
Centro Sionista de Costa Rica, Costa Rica
CESI – Center for Education, Counselling, and Research
Ci siamo rotte i tabù
The Circle of Women, United Kingdom
Club Rotarios de México AC
Colapesce, Italy
Collettivo FuoriGenere, Italy
Comité de lutte contre les violences faites aux femmes (CLVF) Sénégal
Comité des Femmes de la Fédération Sénégalaise des Associations de Personnes Handicapées (CF-FSAPH)
Community Health Empowerment Forum, Eswatini
Conseil Sénégalais des Femmes (COSEF Sénégal)
Comision Unidos VS Trata AC, Mexico
Consejo Ciudadano Ciudad de México
Consejo Ciudadano de Seguridad Morelos, Mexico
Controparola, Italy
Cordillera Alliance Hong Kong, HK
Costa Family Foundation, Italy
CRVENA, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
CURE, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina
Cuyapo OFW Association Hong Kong, HK
Dancing for Birth
Decarcerate New York, United States
Department of Women’s and Gender Studies, Syracuse University, United States
Diabetes Eswatini
Diverse Voice and Action (DIVA) for Equality
Donne di classe Aprilia, Italy
Dristi Foundation, Nepal
E-Vision Japan
Emerging Leaders Forum Alumni, Fiji Islands
Equal Means Equal
ERA Coalition
Esitiz – Equality Watch Women’s Group Turkey
European Women’s Lobby (EWL)
Factory Worker’s Association, Taiwan
Faiths for Safe Water
Famigle Accoglienti
Familias Unidas por una causa AC
Farmworkers Association of Florida, United States
Fédération des Associations Féminines du Sénégal (FAFS)
Féminisme Yeah (Gauche Anticapitaliste)
Feminista, Thailand
Feminoteka, Poland
FemLink Pacific – Fiji, Tonga, Samoa, Vanuatu and Papua New Guinea
Femme, Éducation, Culture, Santé et Développement en Afrique (FECSDA) Sénégal
Femmes battues, Mali
Femmes, paix et développement, Mali
Femminismi Blog, Italy
Fiji Women’s Crisis Center, Fiji Islands
Filguys GABRIELA Association, HK
Filipino Friends, HK
Filipino Lesbian Organization, HK
Filipino Migrant Domestic Workers Union, HK
Filipino Migrant Workers’ Union (FMWU-HKCTU), HK
Filipino Migrants Association (FMA), HK
Filipino Womens Migrants Workers Association, HK
Fin de la Esclavitud AC, Mexico
Florida Rural Legal Services, Inc., United States
Fondation Heinrich Böll Sénégal
Friends of Bethune House, HK
Friends of RAWA, Japan
Fundación Camino a Casa AC
Fundacion Karla de La Cuesta AC
Gabriela Youth, Philippines
Gacehpa (groupe d’action des centres extra hospitaliers pratiquants l’avortement), Belgium
Gender and Development for Cambodia, Cambodia
GIE xaritu xaléyii Sénégal
Go Girl Africa, Uganda
Groupement Tacku ligey du Saloum, Sénégal
Hami DajuVai, Nepal
Haus of Khameleon, Fiji Islands
Hoja en Blanco Org, Mexico
Hollywood NOW (National Organization for Women), United States
Hong Kong Campaign For the Advancement of Human Rights in the Philippines
Horse Angels, Italy
I Profile Foundation, Uganda
IbtikiarKhana, Egypt
IFDD Togo: Initiative des Femmes pour le Développement Durable, Togo
Il Colombre, Italy
In Statu Nascendi Journal
Independent Women’s Center, Serbia
Indonesian Migrant Workers’ Union (IMWU), HK
Indonesian Migrants Muslim Alliance (GAMMI), HK
Insieme si può…ONLUS, Italy
Instituto Favela Da Paz, Brazil
International community of women living with HIV, Eswatini
International League of Peoples Struggle (ILPS HK & Macau), HK and Macau
International Migrants Alliance (IMA HK & Macau), HK and Macau
International Women’s Strike
International Women’s Alliance
IRISE(Initiative to Resist Institutional Slavery and Exploitation), Nigeria
It Takes A Village Africa Corporation, United States
JEAD Togo : Jeunes Engagés et Actifs pour le Développement, Togo
Journey of Hope for Women and Girls Eswatini
Jovenes por la libertad AC, Mexico
Justice Coalition of Religious, West India
Kaleido AC
Kirmizi Biber Dernegi, Turkey
Lady Lawyer Foundation, Italy
Lahing Kayumanggi, United Kingdom
Le Tre Ghinee, Italy
League of Indonesian Migrant Workers (LiPMI), HK
Lideres Campesinas, United States
Lidres Campesinas Huron Chapter, United States
Ligue Sénégalaise des Droits de l’Homme, Senegal
Likha Filipino Migrants Cultural Organization, HK
Lila Pilipina Comfort Women, Philippines
Luzviminda Migrante, HK
Ma-Yi Theatre Company, USA
Mediterranean Institute for Gender Studies, Cyprus
Meraki Mojo, India
Middle Church, United States
Migrante Artista ng Bayan, HK
Migrante Pangasinan, HK
Migrante Pier, HK
Migrante Shatin, HK
Migrante Taiwan, Taiwan
Migrante Tamar, HK
Migrante Tin Shui wai, HK
Migrante Tsing Yi, HK
Migrante Tsuen Wan, HK
Migrante Visayas, HK
Migrante Yuen Long, HK
Ministère de la Femme, de la Famille, du Genre et de la Protection des Enfants
Ministry of Education, Afghanistan
Mission Movers HK, HK
Monroe County NOW, United States
Mujeres De Sur a Sur, Chile
National Council for Gender Equality, North Macedonia
National Domestic Worker’s Union, Taiwan
National Organization for Women (Chicago Chapter), United States
New Japan Women’s Association
Ninguna, Peru
Non Una di Meno La Spezia, Italy
Non una di meno Napoli, Italy
Non una di meno Viareggio, Italy
Nonunadimeno Firenze, Italy
OBR Auckland, NZ
OBR Austria
OBR Bangladesh
OBR Cambodia
OBR Cameroon
OBR Democratic Republic of Congo
OBR Eswatini
OBR Fiji
OBR Gabon
OBR Ghana
OBR Guatemala
OBR Honduras
OBR Hong Kong
OBR India
OBR Indonesia
OBR Italy
OBR Jamaica
OBR Kenya
OBR Lesotho
OBR Malawi
OBR Mali
OBR Mexico
OBR Miami
OBR Mozambique
OBR Namibia
OBR Nicaragua
OBR Nigeria
OBR Philippines
OBR Poland
OBR Rwanda
OBR Senegal
OBR Serbia
OBR Singapore
OBR South Africa
OBR Taiwan
OBR Telangana
OBR Thailand
OBR Togo
OBR Uganda
OBR United Kingdom
OBR Zambia
OBR Zimbabwe
One Fair Wage, United States
Ospiti in Arrivo, Italy
Overseas Nepali Workers’ Association (ONWA), HK
Pacific Women’s Network Against Violence Against Women – Fiji, PNG, Solomon Islands, Vanuatu, Samoa, Tonga, Federated State of Micronesia, Republic of Marshall Islands, Kiribati, Tuvalu, Cook Islands, Niue, Palau
Pacific Human Rights Defenders Network (PHRDN) – 16 Pacific Island countries and territories
Padovadonne, Italy
Pangasinan Organization for Welfare and Rights (POWER), HK
PAOR, Serbia
Pasco County NOW, United States
Pasionara.it, Italy
Patricia Flowers, Centro de Historia y Humanidades del Peru, Peru
Peeling Back The Onion Layers Community Education Project, United States
Peace Over Violence, United States
Pedaleándole a la vida, Colombia
Philippines (HKCAHRPP) 香港推進菲律賓人權及和平運動, HK
Pinatud a Saleng ti Umili – HK, HK
Pinellas County NOW (National Organization for Women), United States
Plateforme des Femmes pour la Paix en Casamance, Sénégal
Plateforme du réseau des femmes et hommes d’affaires (PREFHA) Sénégal
Potere al Popolo Torino. Italy
Potere a Popolo!
Rainbow Pride Foundation
Rassemblement Sénégalais pour le bien-être de la femme (ONG RASEBEF)
Red de Corazones Binacionales AC, Mexico
Red de Madres buscando a sus hijas AC, Mexico
Reintegra AC, Mexico
Rencontre Africaine pour la défense des Droits de l’homme (RADDHO) Sénégal
Réseau Africain pour le Développement Intégré – RADI Sénégal
Réseau des Femmes Africaines Économistes (REFAE), Senegal
Réseau des jeunes contre l’excision, Sénégal
Réseau des Professeurs de Français pour l’Éducation des Filles et de la Formation des Femmes en Afrique (REPROF-EFFA) Sénégal
Réseau des Radios Communautaires, Senegal
Réseau Francophone pour l’Egalite Femme-Homme (RF-EFH), Sengal
Réseau National des Jeunes Filles Leaders (RENALJEF) Sénégal
Réseau National des Femmes Rurales du Sénégal
Réseau Paix et Sécurité pour les Femmes de l’Espace CEDEAO (REPSFECO)
Réseau Siggil Jigeen, Sénégal
Rete per la Parita, Italy
RODA, Parents in Action, Croatia
Rural Women Assembly, Malawi
Safe House, Podgorica, Montenegro
Samahang Migrante, HK
SANGAT – A regional Feminist Network in South Asia
SANGAT Bangladesh
Sangsan Anakot Yawachon, Thailand
School of Feminists, Thailand
SEED, United Kingdom
Serve the People Association Shelters, Taiwan
Smart Girls Foundation, Uganda
SOAS India Society, United Kingdom
Socialist Alliance Sydney, Australia
Socialist Party Women’s League, Zambia
Sophie Muwanika Institute, Uganda
SOS Vlasotince, Serbia
South Asia Alliance for Poverty Eradication (SAAPE)
Speak up Africa : Voix Essentielles, Senegal
Sta Maria Migrants Association, HK
Swaziland Rural women Assembly, Eswatini
Tamera, Portugal
Tanghalang Pilipino, Philippines
Thai Regional Alliance (TRA-HK), HK
The Cleopatras, Italy
The Garden of Hope Foundation, Taiwan
The Women’s Centre Cornwall, United Kingdom
The WOW Foundation
Too Young to Wed
U.S. – Afghan Women’s Council
UMYDF, Uganda
Union des Femmes Chefs d’Entreprise au Sénégal (UFCE) Sénégal
United Filipinos in Hong Kong (UNIFIL-MIGRANTE-HK), HK
United Indonesians Against Overcharging (PILAR), HK
V-Day Thailand
Veterans For Peace, Chapter 113-Hawai’I, United States
Voice of Domestic Workers, United Kingdom
Voices against Trafficking
Voice of Witness, United States
Where Are The Womxn, India
Wicked, United States
Wildaf Sénégal
Women for Peace, Serbia
Women in Law and Development in Africa (WILDAF-FeDDAF Senegal)
Women In Mining Senegal (WIM Senegal)
Women to Women, Migrant Collective Croatia
Women Unlimited Eswatini
Women’s Help Now, Zagreb, Croatia
Women’s Network Croatia
Women’s Network, Republic of Kosovo
Women’s Opportunities Resource Center
Women’s Room, Center for Sexual Rights, Zagreb, Croatia
Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies, Ithaca College, United States
Women’s March Taiwan
World Pulse, United States
Ya Basta AC, Mexico