16 Apr Join us Tuesday, Town Hall: Essential Women on the Frontlines w/Rep. Pramila Jayapal & Eve Ensler
The rapid spread of Coronavirus across the globe has revealed what has always been a glaring truth for so many of the essential workers who are the backbone of our society: the most essential are least valued, are treated as most expendable. It is the working class and poor who are most vulnerable to the virus and the economic disaster that Covid-19 has laid bare. And often it is women who are holding the frontline.
To respond to this crisis, Congresswoman Pramila Jayapal and playwright, V-Day and One Billion Rising founder Eve Ensler bring you a special virtual WOMEN WORKERS RISING Town Hall on Tuesday, 21 April via Zoom and Facebook Live and featuring:
Bonnie Castillo, RN and Executive Director of National Nurses United, California Nurses Association/National Nurses Organizing Committee
Mily Trevino-Sauceda, Executive Director and Co-Founder of Alianza Nacional de Campesinas
Sandra Jackson, MSW, LICSW, LCSW-C, Executive Director of House of Ruth
This is the first of two town halls that will look at the needs of frontline and essential workers, including women working in domestic violence shelters where the crisis is also being acutely felt, as numbers are increasing for women who staying home is not safe. The conversation will touch upon these essential workers and their experiences especially women and including healthcare workers, domestic workers, farmworkers, grocery store workers, food and agricultural workers, mortuary and funeral service workers, delivery people, garbage collectors, drivers, cooks, janitors, law enforcement, mass transit workers, and bank employees as our country faces this unprecedented pandemic.
Our goal is to share information with you about the challenges being faced by essential workers, as well as about the remedies we have at hand for supporting them.
Please join us and spread the word. REGISTER at WomenWorkersRising.org/TownHall
Tuesday, 21 April
7:00-8:00pm ET
Via Zoom + Facebook Live