14 Apr LIVE ON THURSDAY, 15 APRIL, 3PM-5PM PARIS, 9AM-11AM ET RENCONTRES: ONE BILLION RISING FROM FRANCE Featuring Women on the Frontlines of the Pandemic
V-Day, One Billion Rising and the CNAM “Humanities and Health” chair in partnership with Make.org, Aurore Association and Plateau Urbain present "Rencontres One Billion Rising - Les femmes sur le front du Covid : en première ligne face aux violences et à l’avant-garde des transformations" (One Billion Rising Meetings - Women on the frontlines of Covid: at the forefront of violence and of transformation), hosted by V (formerly Eve Ensler) and Cynthia Fleury. NOTE: This event will be entirely in French. In January 2020, V (formerly Eve Ensler), author of The Vagina Monologues and founder of V-Day, and Cynthia Fleury, philosopher,...